Let’s connect

Web of Life

organic integration

The concept of the “Web of Life” emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and their dependence on each other within ecosystems. It signifies the intricate relationships and dependencies that exist among different species and their environments. 

Web of Life in Nature

The idea is that all living organisms, from plants and animals to microorganisms, are interconnected in a complex network, and any change in one part of the web can have ripple effects throughout the entire system. This concept offers an understanding of the delicate balance and interdependence that sustains life on Earth, and therefore encourages preserving biodiversity and maintaining the health of ecosystems.


Consider a scenario where a key predator, such as the sea otter, interacts with its prey, the sea urchin. This interaction goes beyond the immediate hunting event. By preying on sea urchins, sea otters control the population of these herbivores, preventing overgrazing on kelp forests. Aside from the kelp forests being crucial habitats for a multitude of marine species, they also serve as significant carbon sinks, thus playing a vital role in regulating the climate. The health of the kelp forest ecosystem, therefore, hinges on this keystone species, illustrating how a single species can influence the balance and health of an entire ecosystem.


The Web of Life concept transcends individual species, emphasizing the importance of every action across the entire system. Human activities are no exception, as they too are intricately woven into this web. Whether we alter landscapes, introduce new species, or modify climate patterns, the repercussions are felt throughout the world.

Web of Life in Communities

A Game

This notion can be translated to the connections between humans as well. In community dynamics, typically a very similar interaction takes place as in natural ecosystems. It promotes integration, signifying how every individual is a unique and useful element of the space they are in. Everyone has something to offer and something they seek, and when people bond over these and integrate the gifts, the community “ecosystem” becomes stronger. To understand and model it, a game was created around it.


Step 1

Get a LONG string, a game leader, and stand in a circle with your community of choice. You can play it with strangers you’d like to get to know, or with familiar faces as well. 


Step 2

Ask everyone to think of 2 things they can offer and 2 things they would need, then write it down with big letters on a piece of paper.


Step 3

Going in a circle, share these 4 things with each other, and let everyone see what you wrote.


Step 4

Next, let everyone say who they would like to connect with based on what they have heard. It can also be more than one person. Complete every connection by linking them with the string, and ask the person on the other side of the string to continue.


Step 5

When everyone has spoken, most likely there will be no person without holding a string – everyone has a valid place in the ecosystem they have created between each other. Whether it’s a warm hug, physical skills, intellectual offerings, or sharing good humor, each element is appreciated.


Step 6

At this point, the web that the string has formed symbolizes the strength and resilience of the network. The game host can even try to put their body weight on the string-web to demonstrate how strong it is.


Step 7

Lastly, if you start to ask your peers to let go of the strings they are holding one by one, and observe the ripple effect it is creating throughout all sides of the circle. This symbolizes the vulnerability and interconnectedness of the “ecosystem”.


Step 8

Before you finish the session, take a moment to look around in your environment, especially if you are outdoors. Notice the similar patterns of dynamics in the surrounding natural world, and also note what your role is as an element of Nature’s web of life.


Step 9

Cheers! Once you are done with the game, go on and mingle. 

